(Tuotevalikoima vaihtelee paikkakohtaisesti).
T. Minna Kemppainen/Hoitola Lumo, (Valtatie 8 b, Akaa). www.hoitolalumo.fi
Kauneus - ja jalkahoitola Sinikello, (Keskuskatu 14, Alajärvi). Sinikello facebook
Espoon kaupunginmuseo, (Ahertajantie 5, Espoo). www.espoonkaupunginmuseo.fi
Luontaistuntija Mankkaa, (Sinikalliontie 1, Espoo). www.luontaistuntijamankkaa.fi
Ihanuuteni, (Satakunnankatu 14, Eura). www.ihanuuteni.fi
Parturi-Kampaami Tyykilyyli, (Kartanonkatu 4, Forssa). www.tyykilyyli.fi
Petras Sinikulma, (Vuorikatu 15-17, Hanko).
Kukkakauppa Venla, (Hiljalankatu 3, Haapajärvi). www.kukkakauppavenla.fi
K-market Marjuska, (Joensuuväylä 911, Heinävaara). www.k-ruoka.fi/kauppa/k-market-marjuska
Hierontapuoti Pienet sydämet, (Laajasuontie 34, Helsinki). www.pienetsydamet.com/1
Kauneushoitola Tarja Hartikainen, (Hämeentie 22, Helsinki). Facebook
Koti Store, (Fredrikinkatu 35, Helsinki). www.greenandgablesinterior.com
Mosa Interiors, (Viertolantie 2a, Helsinki). www.kultakeramiikka.com
Unelma Puoti, Mannerheimintie 37, Helsinki). Unelma Puoti facebook
Sauna boutique, (Unioninkatu 32, Helsinki).
Sisustuspaja Ida, (Arvi Karistonkatu 9, Hämeenlinna). www.sisustuspaja.fi
Taito Uusimaa ry / Hyvinkään käsityökeskus, (Rautatienkatu 11, Hyvinkää). www.taitouusimaa.fi
Parturi Kampaamo Meikkipalvelu Piitin Puoti, (Mattilantie 26, Ilmajoki).
Taitokeskus Ilomantsi, (Piirolan Piha, Kauppatie 26, Ilomantsi). www.taitopohjoiskarjala.fi
Ekoteekki terveyskauppa, (Iso Myy alakerta, Joensuu). www.ecoteekki.fi
Taito Shop, Taitokortteli, (Koskikatu 1, Joensuu). www.taitopohjoiskarjala.fi
Tmi. Klas Mattsson, (Jurmo byväg 152, Pärnäs). www.jurmo.com
Pieni kamari, (Kilpisenkatu 9, Jyväskylä). www.pienikamari.fi
KIINNI!!! Designkaverit, Kauppakeskus Forum, Pop up kauppa Iloinen joulukauppa 9.11.2019-5.1.2020 www.designkaverit.fi
Witikkalan kartano, (Koskentie 12, Jämsä). www.witikkalankartano.fi
Life Järvenpää, (Rantakatu 5, Järvenpää). www.life.fi/Life-Jaervenpaeae-Prisma
Kaarinan Sisustuskulma, (Pyhän Katariinantie 8, Kaarina). Facebook
Kukka-, Hautaus- ja Juhlapalvelu Kuittinen ky, (Kaivotie 1, Kaavi). www.kuittinen.fi
AitoLIfestyle shop, (Matkailutie 312, Kalajoki). www.aitodesignshop.fi
Keramiikka Iso-Pahkala Oy, (Kokkolantie 261, Kalajoki). www.iso-pahkala.fi
Hoitohuone Pisara, (Lepikkomäentie 5, Karvio). Hoitohuone Pisara facebook
Tiltaltti shop / Askartelupaja Tiltaltti, (Kangasmannilantie 4, Keuruu). www.tiltaltti.blogspot.fi
Erästuote, (Kiteentie 5, Kitee) www.erastuote.fi
Kangas- ja käsityökauppa Satuhelmi, (Asematie 9, Kiuruvesi).
Suvanto Lifestyle/Kuusamon uistin, (Professori Räsäsentie 1-2) www.suvantolifestyle.fi
KIINNI! Designkaverit, Kauppakeskus Matkus, Pop up kauppa Iloinen joulukauppa 9.11.2019-5.1.2020 www.designkaverit.fi
Putiikki Saunan Henki, (Pitkänsillankatu 15, Kokkola). www.saunanhenki.fi
Koli Seasons, (Kolintie 94, Koli). Koli seasons facebook
Break Sokos Hotel Koli, (Ylä-Kolintie 39, Koli). www.sokoshotels.fi
Kolin kotiseutuyhdistys / Koli puoti, (Ylä-Kolintie 1, Koli). www.kolinkotiseutuyhdistys.fi
Oranssi orava, (Urpiaisentie 1 B, Korson vanha Asema). www.oranssiorava.fi
Kutomo Onnenpolku, (Ruotsinsalmenkatu 13, Kotka).
Ommel ja Ilo, (Kyröntie 27, Kyrö). www.ommeljailo.fi
Lahden Missiokauppa, (Vapaudenkatu 6, Lahti). Lahden missiokauppa
Toivon ikkuna maailmalle, (Valtakatu 32, Lappeenranta). Toivonikkunamaailmalle facebook
Taito-kauppa, (Tasihinin talo, Kauppakatu 25, Lappeenranta). www.taitoetelakarjala.fi
Lumo- puoti, (Ideapark, Ideaparkinkatu 4, Lempäälä). Lumo-puoti facebook
Salonki Jii, (Aittomäentie 9, Lempäälä). SalonkiJii facebook
Taito keskus Lieksa, (Pielisentie 23, Lieksa). www.taitopohjoiskarjala.fi
Aito Tavara, (Keskustie 1, Liperi). Aito Tavara facebook
AnneMari's, (Väinämöisenkatu 9, Loimaa). www.annemaris.fi
Kynttiläpaja Kalevantuli, (Keskustie 33, Multia). www.kalevantuli.net
Sisustuspuoti Tanhua, (Keskustie 12, Myrskylä). Tanhua facebook
Taitokeskus Mänttä, (Itätorikatu 4, Mänttä). www.taitopirkanmaa.fi/Kaesityoekeskukset/mantta
Unikeko shop, (Nunnakatu 2, Naantali). www.unikeko.net
Kukka ja Lahja Helli & Viku, (Kauppatie 5, Nakkila). www.hellijaviku.fi
Napapiirin Lahja Oy, (Tähtikuja 2, Napapiiri Rovaniemi). www.schv.fi
Tahkon hyvinvointilähde, (Nilsiäntie 78, Nilsiä). www.luontaistuntijanilsia.fi
Tmi Vihreä Lootus, (p. 040 5048996).
Kukkakamari Elsi, (Pratikankuja 13, Nurmijärvi). Kukkakamari Elsi facebook
Lahtisen vahavalimo, (Puujaanlenkki 420, Oitti). www.lahtisenvahavalimo.fi
Taitokeskus Orivesi, (Auvisen talo, Keskustie 37, Orivesi). www.taitopirkanmaa.fi/Kaesityoekeskukset/Orivesi
Kauneus- ja terveyskulma, (Hallituskatu 30 B 3), Oulu. www.terveysjakauneuskulma.fi
Taito Shop Oulu, (Rautatienkatu 11 B, Oulu). www.taitoshop.fi
Helie, (Kummunkatu 18, Outokumpu). Helie facebook
Vanha kaivos Kaivospuoti, (Kaivosmiehenpolku 2, Outokumpu) www.vanhakaivos.fi
Gullkrona, Gullkrona Sattmark, (Sattmark 1, Parainen). gullkrona
Kirjakulma Tmi Paula Mensonen, (Puustellintie 15, Pielavesi). www.kirjakulma.fi
Sisustusmakasiini, (Kanavapuistikko 2, Pietarsaari). <a href="
<a href="http://www.sisustusmakasiini.fi" class="redactor-autoparser-object" >http:="" www.sisustusmakasiini.f...<="" a="">
<a href="http://www.sisustusmakasiini.fi" class="redactor-autoparser-object" >http:="" www.sisustusmakasiini.f...<="" a="">Pihtipudas
<a href="http://www.sisustusmakasiini.fi" class="redactor-autoparser-object" >http:="" www.sisustusmakasiini.f...<="" a="">
<a href="http://www.sisustusmakasiini.fi" class="redactor-autoparser-object" >http:="" www.sisustusmakasiini.f...<="" a="">
<a href="http://www.sisustusmakasiini.fi" class="redactor-autoparser-object" >http:="" www.sisustusmakasiini.f...<="" a="">Kultakeramiikka"><a href="<a href="http://www.sisustusmakasiini.fi" class="redactor-autoparser-object" >http:="" www.sisustusmakasiini.f...<="" a="">
<a href="http://www.sisustusmakasiini.fi" class="redactor-autoparser-object" >http:="" www.sisustusmakasiini.f...<="" a="">
<a href="http://www.sisustusmakasiini.fi" class="redactor-autoparser-object" >http:="" www.sisustusmakasiini.f...<="" a="">" class="redactor-autoparser-object"><a href="http://www.sisustusmakasiini.fi
<a href="http://www.sisustusmakasiini.fi" class="redactor-autoparser-object" >http:="" www.sisustusmakasiini.f...<="" a="">
Online shop - shipping and delivery terms
Valid from 20 April 2012
The online shop is an internet service that allows you to browse and purchase a selection of products sold by Onnenpussi Ltd, Business ID: 2421457-2. We sell products to people who are eighteen years old or older, in Finland, Scandinavia and the rest of the European Union. The product prices include Finnish VAT 24%. We do not deliver products on a cash-on-delivery basis. We reserve the right to change our prices and shipping costs.
All orders are confirmed by email. The order confirmation email includes the total price of the order, shipping costs and a list of the products that have been ordered. To receive an order confirmation, you must provide a valid email address when you place an order.
We use the services of Paytrail Ltd and PayPal to process your online transaction. Paytrail allows you to pay for your order either with credit card, mobile payment, Finnish online banking or by invoice/in instalments. Paytrail is a secure method to pay for your shopping. The service is registered in the register of payment institutions maintained by the Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA) under the transitional provision of the Act on Payment Institutions. The service maintained by Paytrail Ltd (business ID 2122839-7). Read more about Paytrail here. You can also pay for your shopping via PayPal. PayPal is a global, well-established electronic commerce company that facilitates secure payments between parties through online transfers. Read more about PayPal here.
Orders are processed and shipped during business days. If your items are in stock, we endeavour to ship them within a couple of business days of the order being placed. All orders are shipped no more than seven (7) days after payment has been received. We do not assume any responsibility for delivery delays caused by force majeure or other exceptional circumstances, nor for any indirect loss or damages caused by delays. If there are any changes to our usual delivery times, information about the changes will appear on our website.
Delivery charges to Finland: domestic parcel delivered to a Posti outlet or Smartpost parcel locker: 7,90 €. Domestic parcel delivered to the recipient's address in Finland: 12,90€. Free standard delivery in Finland for orders over 89€.
Delivery charges to Scandinavia and the rest of the European Union: delivery charges depend on the country of destination. The orders will be delivered as ‘Parcel Connect’ parcels by Posti in association with DHL and Bring. The customer is responsible for the costs, taxes and other charges arising from customs clearance in the destination country. Customs clearance takes place when the package is received. Promotional offers that include free shipping do not apply to countries outside of Finland.
Delivery charges:
The Baltic countries 14,90€
Denmark, Germany and Sweden 19,90€
Norway and All other EU countries 24,90€
The delivery charges include postage and packaging costs. You can check the delivery charges for your order after selecting the payment and delivery method on the shopping cart. The orders will be delivered as domestic parcels to either a Posti outlet, Smartpost parcel locker or the recipient's door anywhere in Finland. When the parcel arrives at the pickup point you will receive a collection or locker code by SMS, which can be used to retrieve your parcel. To receive the SMS, you must provide a valid phone number when you place an order.
In accordance with the Finnish Consumer Protection Act, products can be exchanged or returned within fourteen (14) days of delivery. The right to return applies only to unopened, unused and marketable products in their original packaging. Before returning anything, we ask you to contact us first so that we can agree how to proceed with the exchange or return.
Contact us:
We do not process returns after the fourteen (14) day return period has expired. Once we receive the products you wish to return and determine that they meet the return criteria, we will refund the amount to your bank account at the earliest opportunity.
In case products get damaged or go missing during shipping, or the products we have sent you are not the ones that were ordered, you must notify us immediately. If there are any issues with an order, you are required to notify us within fourteen (14) days of receiving the products. If the parcel has been damaged during shipping, you are required to contact Posti customer service and report the damaged shipment immediately.
Posti stores parcels at a Posti outlet or Smartpost parcel locker for seven (7) days. If you do not collect your parcel during that time, Posti will return the parcel back to us. When we receive a parcel that has not been collected, we will charge you for the return fee charged by Posti as well as the delivery charges that are accrued by re-sending the parcel. Failure to collect a parcel is not treated as an annulment of purchase.
We reserve the right to change our delivery terms. Before ordering, you are required to familiarise yourself with the delivery terms in force at the time. Any personal information collected during the order process will be treated with care and kept in strict confidence.